Endless creative possibilities

You are not limited to design or functionality offered like in other Joomla! templates. You are totally in control of any aspect of your template via Linelabox Template builder. Build in real-time with Linelabox.


Joomla! Extensions

Take your site to the next level by adding our popular Joomla! extensions. Extend your website with extra features. We don't place any restrictions on use, nor do we limit the number of domains that you can install Joomla! extensions. Linelabox Template builder is the perfect solution for everyone.

Support Package
Professional Package
Extralarge Menu
Extralarge Menu
New Featured
Megatraffic Package
New Featured
Countdown Timer plugin
New Featured
VirtueMart Admin Theme
New Featured

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and see how Linelabox works

Join now and enjoy the advantages offered by our template builder. Get help and find answers in our support system.


Our Template builder sets the new standard with endless possibilities. Powerful options, responsive framework and unlimited designs. Create anything you want with Linelabox.

Built with Bootstrap

Build responsive, mobile-first Joomla! templates with the world's most popular front-end component library.

Mobile Editor

Create responsive Joomla! template within minutes. Linelabox includes fully featured mobile editor.


You can easily change the color of every element in the template in just a few clicks.

850+ FONTS

You can use Google fonts and the standard fonts, set sizes, style, weight and many more. All of Google fonts are free.

Unlimited Grid Layout

Bootstrap allows you to create up to 12 columns and unlimited rows. Choose between wide and boxed layout.

Unlimited Undo and Redo

You can perform unlimited undo and redo of your actions. You can undo all actions by pressing the Undo button.

Custom CSS / HTML

Create easily anything you want with the custom CSS / HTML editor. Real-time code editing.

Images from Pixabay

With Linelabox template builder you can add images from Pixabay in to your template in real-time. 1,000,000+ Free images.

Parallax Background

You can create awesome Joomla! templates with the smooth parallax background effect that everyone loves.

Custom Snippets

You can create your own code snippet or module layout and save it inside your library. Linelabox support the latest HTML5 / CSS3 standard.

Live editing

The Linelabox editor gives you an exact preview of your Joomla! template, that you can edit in real-time.

250+ module positions

Drag & Drop interface. We support popular extensions, including AcyMailing, K2, VirtueMart and Phoca Cart.

Free Joomla 4 Templates

Pre-built Templates with easy 1 click installation

For more details click here to see Template Builder features page.