1.    Powerful admin panel
  2.    Over 1 Million Free images available!
  3.    Live demo (Demo site have limitations)
  4.    Fully customizable
  5.    Totally responsive layout
  6.    Unlimited grid layout
  7.    Unlimited custom menu styles
  8.    Unlimited colors
  9.    Unlimited custom header styles
  10.    Unlimited custom footer styles
  11.    Unlimited undo and redo
  12.    Advanced typography
  13.    Wide / boxed layout
  14.    Pre-Built blocks and templates
  15.    Pre-Built Module Styles and Variations
  16.    Beautiful CSS3 animations
  17.    3rd Party Component Compatibility
  18.    Custom page layout for Joomla, K2, Phoca Cart, VirtueMart and many more...
  19.    Custom backgrounds 1,000,000+ images
  20.    Mobile editor
  21.    Auto-save
  22.    Custom module STYLES (Custom styles are saved in to your library)
  23.    Custom module SKINS (Custom skins are saved in to your library)
  24.    Custom SNIPPETS (Custom snippets are saved in to your library)
  25.    Custom TEMPLATES (Custom templates are saved in to your library)
  26.    Custom module name
  27.    Basic / Advanced module parameters
  28.    Quick and Full Preview
  29.    850+ fonts
  30.    Font Awesome icon set
  31.    Live Custom CSS / HTML
  32.    Parallax background
  33.    Modern Sticky Headers
  34.    Floating Menu
  35.    Docs & Video Tutorials
  36.    Live editing
  37.    W3C Validation
  38.    Social Media Integration
  39.    240+ module positions
  40.    Content block navigationNEW
  41.    Visibility controls
  42.    Hide Content on Frontpage
  43.    Drag & drop interface
  44.    Duplicate the modules
  45.    Load and customize any Joomla module with advanced parameters!
  46.    Control column horizontal spacing
  47.    3rd party integrations
  48.    Joomla! Template + Modules with easy 1 click installation!
  49.    Special modules
  50.    Modern Offline Page
  51.    Background textures and images
  52.    Left / right mode
  53.    Browsers compatible
  54.    Built with HTML5 and CSS3
  55.    Fast support
  56.    Web Developer friendly

Unlimited amount of layout variations! Endless creative possibilities!

Joomla! Template Builder

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