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Dobrý den, je možnost modul hledat umístit do prostředka buňky? Zkoušel jsem hledat, ale našel jsem jen vpravo a nebo vlevo. Stejně tak jako výškově na střed, tam je zas jen možnost pading pomocí pix...
How do I insert my own images for both logo and slider?...
Please assist in setting up a custom 404 error page(article already created). Thanks....
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Hi is it possible (in future?) to work with linelab online into a joomla-installation? it is strange to work outside and download/intall every time the template on change things in template. i would...
Hello, is it possible to put in the template builder some module (Custom HTML) to the position right, not left, as it is for example in Category Blog page?...
Hello, I have ULTIMELAB2 template and I believe it was VMLab. But these templates are not supported anymore? And what is the meaning of the professional package which I have purchased? Maybe you...
Dobrý den, upravil jsem si šablonu Presslab , ale po stažení a instalaci se mi nenainstalovaly všechny moduly ( chybí mi jeden testimonials a footer. Dají se tyto dodatečně doinstalovat popř. jak zkon...
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Dobrý den, můžete poradit jak v šabloně Greenlab nastavit položku menu SHOP tak, aby submenu tvořily jednotlivé kategorie Virtuemartu? Přidávat položky menu po jednom je nepraktické, zákazník vytvoří ...
Coming soon - Phoca Cart version 3.1.0 Alpha (development version) with Phoca POS Scanning product SKU, loyalty card number and coupon with scanner Printing receipt with POS printer. Phoca car...
Frantisek Linelabox Support Šablony uživatele
Senior Member
I have purchased and am using your productXport component. Everything is working well but I can not see how to add a virtuemart custom field to the export file....
I have customised your Greenlab VM template. When working on the live site, it seems the Tabs in the template is "hard coded"? Even though I have disabled customer reviews, this tab is still...
Can you tell me what the latest Shortcode plugin for VM is ? now i have 1.4 and the products still appear under a article but the add to cart bar is suddenly as wide as the page instead off only une...
Hi, with the module slideshow is possible to play a vimeo video repeatedly. Would it be possible to play a video stored on the Joomla server as well ? Or with an other module ? Thanks, Mich...
Is it possible to use the standard template overrides from Joomla?...
Dobrý den, prosím o informaci zda bude uvolněna novější verze Virtuemart 3 Admin template. Rád bych komponentu aktualizoval na VM 3.2.14. V poslední verzi není optimalizováno zobrazení vlastních po...
I bought this template via Virtuemart, however this template is not quite what I was looking for. WOuld I be able to change this purchase to your Template Bulder offering?...

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