1. Frantisek
  2. General
  3. Monday, 25 April 2022
We've created a new Cassiopeia Child-template and added some great features as well. Try the demo of Cassiopeia and new theme for Phoca Cart.

Demo: https://cassiopeia.linelab.org/
More info: https://www.linelab.org/tutorials/joomla-4-cassiopeia-template-customization-child-template
For download see attachment in post.
Attachments (1)
Responses (14)
haon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I know this is a late find but I wanted to say a massive thank you for making this. I just installed it and working great. The one thing I wanted to do was change the navbar to a different color and have tried adding to the user.css but its not working. Can somebody help me with changing this please? This is what i added:

.grid-child.container-nav {
background-color: #556331;

There is a built in option go to Styles and pick color variation for Header section
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
Matthew Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
It will be great if we could change all layouts color like sidebar left, if I want that background to be white or green.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 2
Matthew Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I know this is a late find but I wanted to say a massive thank you for making this. I just installed it and working great. The one thing I wanted to do was change the navbar to a different color and have tried adding to the user.css but its not working. Can somebody help me with changing this please? This is what i added:

.grid-child.container-nav {
background-color: #556331;
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 3
Johny Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Ok, I have It! My mistake ;) Not tab Advanced but Options. It works fine.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 4
Johny Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thx Jesus, it's clear, but was't clear that I have to chose in the tab -> advanced -> Layout -> banner from Cassiopeia. Now i have background, but it moves with the whole page instead of being static. Please for tip.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 5
Jesus Caceres Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

i try to migrate to J4 and I want to use Cassiopeia extention Linelab and I have problem witch banner in background it doesn't show. What does it mean " the trick was that you have to have a module activated in that position." How can I appy it? I will add that I have read all the comments and applied the CSS changes

It means that there must be a module published and assigned to the position where the banner is placed.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 6
Johny Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

i try to migrate to J4 and I want to use Cassiopeia extention Linelab and I have problem witch banner in background it doesn't show. What does it mean " the trick was that you have to have a module activated in that position." How can I appy it? I will add that I have read all the comments and applied the CSS changes
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 7
Jesus Caceres Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Frantisek,

Yes I managed to get the full background image to appear, the trick was that you have to have a module activated in that position.

The online testing site is: https://joomla.my-ebook.es/

It has Joomla 4.1.5 but I'm waiting for Virtuemart to fix its conflicts with the Joomla router so I can finish the design.

Thanks for your CSS suggestions, I'll apply them.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 8
Frantisek Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Linelabox Support
Hi Jesus, can you please provide website url?

Try to add to user.css

position_name eg .topb::before {
background: url(/images/background.jpg);
background-position-x: 0%;
background-position-y: 0%;
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: center bottom;
background-repeat: no-repeat;

and let me know if you can see the full background image. Thank you.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 9
Frantisek Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Linelabox Support
Hi, sorry for the late reply. Thank you very much for your feedback.

Please add to user.css:

.position-sticky {
position: fixed !important;
width: 100%;

Check bottom-b position > Link color

.bottomb .card-header::after {
background: var(--cassiopeia-color-link-bottomb);

Screenshot 2022-08-23 at 12-19-09 Templates Edit Style - Joomla 4 Template Cassiopeia - Demo - Administration.png

Check media/templates/site/cassiopeia_child_template/js/user.js

var swiper = new Swiper(jQuery(".mod-articlesnews")[i], {
slidesPerView: 3,
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 10
Jesus Caceres Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I'm trying your great Cassiopea Child template, but when selecting an image in Background Image it doesn't appear for example in the Banner position, in other positions it appears but only a small band of it.

The user.css file is your original and has not been modified. Joomla version is 4.1.5

I would appreciate any suggestion
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 11
Steffen Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi there,

just registered to leave a big thanks to guys. So far the only customisation of Cassiopeia which i found on the web.
And it's great!

I've tested a few things and want to give you some feedback.
Maybe some of the things mentioned above you are already aware of or maybe it did something wrong that not everything works as expected.

- Just figured out that the "Sticky header" does not work with the child template
- Swiper Touch Slider: It only shows the first three articles but switch over to the next articles (if added) seems not working?
- only got the underline working with adding custom css (see picture)

.bottom-b .card-header::after, .bottom-a .card-header::after, .sidebar-left .card-header::after {
position: absolute;
width: 40px;
height: 3px;
content: '';
top: 59px;
bottom: unset;
left: 17px;
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 12
Frantisek Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Linelabox Support
Hi Ben, please use Metismenu override files. Simply copy the files into templates/cassiopeia_name/html/mod_menu directory.

We only use demo data Joomla 4 and Phoca Cart sample data.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 13
Ben Williams Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Tried to install the child template unsuccessfully. Is it possible to have a Joomla 4 installation with the data for the demo package available. I really like the off canvas menu - perhaps you could make that a separate component for download?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 14
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