Discussions tagged bug

Installing template error

Hi, I downloaded 3 templates. I made 2 templates based on Greenlab and I downloaded Greenlab without any modification. I tried to install them in Joomla 5, but I always get this error: "An er...
Hi, I am trying to purchase the professional version, and I am getting the following error which is preventing me from paying. "We are sorry, no payment method matches the characteristics of you....
I just bought your extension VM Mega Menu for my template and I can't see the option to include VM categories and add additional modules to it? All I can see is to include a menu and options for st...
Hi. I have a problem with the sidebar menu in the admin template in Virtuemart. The menu does not work at all. I bought and installed the plugin: Linelab_plg_vmadminui_1.4.0.zip Joomla! 3.9.16 /...
Zdravím, Opäť sa mi vyskytol na webe http://www.aurainstruments.com prekvapujúci bug/problém: Module custom (zobrazujúcom bannery s možnosťou prekliku) fungoval v pohode, akurát nebolo nastavené...
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